2008年12月2日 星期二

開放 gTLD

開放 gTLD

InterNet 由美國發明,美國使用 .com .edu .gov .mil .org,其它各國使用 .com.國碼 .edu.國碼 .gov.國碼 .mil.國碼 .org.國碼,因不平等,開放 service gTLD,以維持各國與美國勢力均衡是共識。2008 年為擴大 domain name 註冊費營收,開放公司、城市申請 restricted gTLD,擴大可用 domain name,提高網址對 search engine 搜尋準確度,提高網域名稱服務品質。

我以為開放新 gTLD 並不能提高網路服務品質,僅會帶給大企業困擾,大企業需要註冊更多的商標、產品相關、關鍵字,卻不能靠增加 gTLD 提高網域名稱鑑別度。人眼或 search engine 網域名稱鑑別度會受到人腦記憶容量、電腦鑑別能力的限制。突出好記的網域名稱會因 gTLD 增加而有更多選擇,但實際上記憶能力卻有總量限制。

開放 gTLD 有開放象徵意義,但對個別用戶在字典、商標、之外產品名、公司名、地名之外,選擇特立的網域名稱,更能提高鑑別力。例如 yahoo 為歡呼聲,funp 中國話放屁英語拼音,google 屬於冷闢字,msn、hinet 屬於自創縮寫,skype 由字根自創新字,不管開不開放新 gTLD,企業創造好 domain name 永遠有機會。

由於寬頻網路降價,個人電腦運算處理能力提升,網路監控設備普及,目前網路發展已經從大企業普及到一般用戶,大企業 domain name 需要有意義、突出、好記、響亮,但一般用戶未必需要,因為有意義、突出、好記、響亮的 domain name 會引來 spam mail、會引來網路攻擊,難記的 domain name 經由 email reply 或 email 夾帶散播網址,因為一般用戶往來對像不多,並無困難,一般用戶網域名稱以非電子檔散播機會很少,很少需要目視文件,手打網域名稱。我認為開放 gTLD 並不能給網路社群帶來便利,不開放 gTLD 也不會壓制企業選擇好用、好記、響亮 domain name的機會。多開放 gTLD 只會帶來大企業使用著名網域名稱時,為避免混淆,搶註新的 gTLD,開放新的 gTLD 會給 NIC 帶來註冊費營收,大企業會有搶註新 gTLD 類似 domain name 的壓力,對一般小用戶並不會增加搶註有意義、突出、好記、響亮 domain name 的機會。

gTLD 網路百科說明

A generic top-level domain (gTLD) is one of the categories of top-level domains (TLDs) maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for use on the Internet.
Overall, IANA currently distinguishes the following groups of top-level domains:
infrastructure top-level domain (.arpa)
country-code top-level domains (ccTLD)
sponsored top-level domains (sTLD)
generic top-level domains (gTLD)

generic-restricted top-level domains
The core group of generic top-level domains consists of the .com, .info, .net, and .org domains. In addition, the domains .biz, .name, and .pro are also considered generic; however, these are designated as generic-restricted, and registrations within them are supposed to require proof of eligibility within the guidelines set for each.
Historically, the group of generic top-level domains included domains that were created in the early development of the domain name system,
notably .edu, .gov, .int, .mil. However, these domains now have all been sponsored by appropriate agencies or organization and are now considered sponsored top-level domains, much a like the many newly created "themed" domain names (cf. sponsored top-level domains. This entire group of non-country-code top-level domains, domains that do not have a geographic or country designation, is still often referred to by the term generic.

The initial set of top-level domains, defined by RFC 920 in October 1984, was a set of "general purpose domains". These were:
.com .edu .gov .mil .org

The .net domain was added with the first implementation of these domain. The .com, .net, and .org TLDs, despite their original different uses, are now in practice open for use by anybody for any purpose.

In November 1988, another TLD was introduced, .int. This TLD was introduced in response to NATO's request for a domain name which adequately reflected its character as an international organization. It was also originally planned to be used for some Internet infrastructure databases, such as .ip6.int, the IPv6 equivalent of .in-addr.arpa. However, in May 2000, the Internet Architecture Board proposed to close the .int domain to new infrastructure databases. All future databases of this type would be created in .arpa (a legacy of the pre-TLD system), and existing ones would move to .arpa wherever feasible, which led to the use of .ip6.arpa for IPv6 reverse lookups.
By the mid-1990s there was pressure for more TLDs to be introduced. Jon Postel, as head of IANA, invited applications from interested parties.[2] In early 1995, Postel created "Draft Postel", an Internet draft containing the procedures to create new domain name registries and new TLDs. Draft Postel created a number of small committees to approve the new TLDs. Because of the increasing interest, a number of large organizations took over the process under the Internet Society's umbrella. This second attempt involved setting up a temporary organization called the International Ad Hoc Committee (IAHC). On February 4, 1997, the IAHC issued a report ignoring the Draft Postel recommendations and instead recommended the introduction of seven new TLDs (.arts, .firm, .info, .nom, .rec, .store, and .web). However, progress on this stalled after the U.S. government intervened and nothing ever came of it.

In September 1998, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) was created to take over the task of managing domain names. After a call for proposals (August 15, 2000) and a brief period of public consultation, ICANN announced on November 16, 2000 its selection of the following seven new TLDs:

Generic top-level domains
Generic.biz .com .info .name .net org .pro
Sponsored .aero .asia .cat .coop .edu .gov .int .jobs .mil .mobi .museum .tel .travel
Infrastructure .arpa

Deleted/retired .nato
Reserved .example .invalid .localhost .test
Pseudo .bitnet .csnet .local .root .uucp .onion .exit
Locations .berlin .lat .nyc

Language and nationality .bzh .cym .gal .lli .sco

Technical .geo .mail
Other .kids .post .shop .web .xxx
Country code top-level domains
.aero .biz .coop .info .museum .name .pro
These new gTLDs started to come into use in June 2001, and by the end of that year all except .pro existed, with .biz, .info and .museum already in full operation. .name and .coop became fully operational in January 2002, and .aero followed later in the year. .pro became a gTLD in May 2002, but did not become fully operational until June 2004.

ICANN is adding further TLDs, starting with a set of sponsored top-level domains (like the previous .aero, .coop, and .museum). The application period for these lasted from 15 December 2003 until 16 March 2004, and resulted in ten applications. As of June 2005, ICANN had announced the approval in principle of several new TLDs:
.cat .jobs .mobi .post (not yet live) .tel .travel

unrestricted gTLDs
On 26 June 2008, ICANN approved the recommendation of a new gTLD program which would allow companies to register domains under any gTLD.
Currently, new registrations are limited to a set of gTLDs that had been approved by ICANN, such as .com and .org, but with the new program, organizations will be able to apply to reserve their own gTLD. For example, Microsoft could apply for .msn, Google for .google, or New York City for .nyc. The new system's implementation plan is expected to be published in 2009. It then must be approved by the ICANN Board before the system is implemented. ICANN is currently aiming to have applications for domains starting in the second quarter of 2009.
